Why won’t your proxy let you access the web?

Have you ever faced the problem where you can't access a website while using a proxy? This guide will help you figure out why.


Whether you're new to proxies or have used them before, this post will give you clear steps to solve their web-accessing problems. We'll look at different things that might cause issues and show you how to fix them. So, the next time you can't access a website with your proxy, use these tips to find the solution.


Experiencing web access problems can result from various factors, not just your proxy. When you encounter such issues, consider the following checks to diagnose and resolve the problem:

1. Proxy configuration

If your proxy isn’t set up properly, you won’t be able to access websites. Depending on the type of browser and operating system you use, each one will require a different way to set up proxy, 


Make sure you've entered the correct information for your proxy, such as the IP address, port number, and any username or password if required. After setting up, check if your IP address has actually changed.

2. Proxy type

Understanding the nature of the proxy you're using is essential. Determine whether it operates on the IPv4 or IPv6 protocol. Some websites may not fully support IPv6, potentially leading to connectivity issues.

3. Proxy quality

The quality of your proxy service can significantly impact your web access experience.  If your IP is on a blacklist, you might have to deal with captchas, which can be tricky to bypass.


Investigate whether your current IP address is part of a blacklist or falls within a blocked IP range for the website you're attempting to access. You can conveniently perform this check by using external resources like IP-checking websites such as IPFighter. 


For additional information, read our blog which explains about blacklisted and clean proxy in our previous blog posts.

4. Browser extensions

Browser extensions can sometimes introduce conflicts with your proxy setup. See if any browser extensions, like Windscribe or Multi-Account Containers, are causing issues with your proxy. If they are, try turning them off or making changes to them.

5. Firewall and Antivirus software

Your computer's security infrastructure may sometimes interfere with your proxy connections. Check if your web access is blocked by a firewall or antivirus software on your computer.  These security measures might be responsible for blocking or disrupting your web access. 


Adjusting their settings or temporarily disabling them can often resolve such conflicts.

6. ISP of the proxy

Check if the web is being blocked by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of your proxy provider. You can do this by using a different network, such as switching to mobile data or connecting to Wi-Fi from another ISP.

7. Device

It's possible that your computer or phone may have previously been blocked by the website, leading to access restrictions. Even if you change your IP, the website may still detect the device fingerprint. Try accessing the web from a different device using the same proxy to see if the issue persists.


By examining these factors above, you can pinpoint the root cause of your web access problems and take appropriate steps to resolve them. Remember that troubleshooting web issues often involves a combination of factors, and thorough testing can help you achieve a smoother proxy experience.


If you need more useful tips and information, visit our IPFighter’s blog.

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