What should you be cautious of when buying accounts?

Although warming up your own accounts is safer, buying pre-created accounts is still a common practice because it is more convenient and faster.


When purchasing accounts online, you might encounter account lockouts or similar issues that are irritating and scam-like acts. This not only causes you to lose money but also might make your device ID end up in the website’s blacklist. 


The quality of accounts naturally depends on where they are sourced, and you should pay attention to your behavior on the site, especially during the initial purchase and first time login on a new device. Here are some essential points to keep in mind when buying accounts:

Always check the account you want to buy beforehand

Before committing to a purchase, thoroughly examine the account details in advance. You can request the seller to use TeamViewer or UltraView for a live preview.

For E-commerce accounts (such as Amazon, Etsy, eBay):

  • Check the account's age (how long has the account been created).

  • Check if the account has faced any issue, violations, or suspensions.

  • Verify if the account has any product listed or if it has any sold.

  • Determine whether it's an authentic account or a stealth account. Note that Amazon, in particular, has stringent security policies, and any changes may require updates to official identical documents.

For Social Platforms (such as TikTok, Instagram):

  • Choose a channel with content aligning with your intended theme for future development.

  • Request full ownership transfer or accounts blank information for personalization.

  • For TikTok accounts, consider whether you want one already enabled for live streaming or earning money. Avoid accounts linked to other platforms like Facebook or Instagram, as TikTok currently does not support unlinking, posing a risk of losing the account.

Immediate information update

To ensure security, you should update account information such as passwords, phone numbers, two-factor authentication, and alternate email as soon as possible.

Considerations regarding proxies

Purchasing accounts that come with proxy

You should prioritize accounts that are accompanied with proxies, preventing IP address changes. 


For extra safety, you can purchase accounts that have been logged in using an antidetect browser. The seller can then transfer the profile with the account already logged in to you. When you open that profile to use the account, it would be like the account is logged in on the same device as before. This will help you avoid suspicion about the account’s browser fingerprint.

Select a proxy that matches the previous IP

If the account doesn’t come with a proxy,  you can opt for a new proxy with a location close to the previous IP used to reg and warm up the account.

Choose residential IPv4 proxies

This type of proxy has the highest trust level and is compatible with various platforms. Those using social accounts on phone emulators can consider using mobile proxies.


In addition to selecting the right proxy type, it's essential to opt for a reliable provider offering an extensive IP pool. This helps mitigate the potential risks associated with duplicate or blacklisted IPs. Feel free to revisit our earlier blog posts for further insights into matters concerning proxies and IPs.

Read more
ISP proxies are the best type of proxy for your account!
What is the best proxy for Antidetect Browsers?